The Sincere Faith
I REMEMBER THE SINCERE FAITH YOU HAVE, the kind of faith that your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice also had. I am sure that you have it also. 2 Timothy 1.5.
Often we visit our daughter and family who live in a town a few hours away. The one thing that struck me most was the devotion the mother and father have for their three children. The saying is no more an exaggeration, “the parents live for their children!” From very early in the morning to very late at night the mother and the father attend to every need of each child. Between the father who is a surgeon and the mother, a full-time home-maker, they make a dozen trips to shuttle the children to school, tuition and music lessons! It is the privilege and duty of every father and mother to take good care of the children God has blessed them with. It is especially so with Christian parents.
Unfortunately, I have seen many a Christian father and/or mother totally disregard and neglect their duty to bring their children up “in the fear and the nurture of the Lord” as the Bible requires.
But in the light of today’s Bible text - “I remember the sincere faith you have, the kind of faith that your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice also had. I am sure that you have it also” - let me remind Christian parents, especially the mothers, to pay special attention to the spiritual upbringing of your children. Caring for the physical, mental and material needs of children and lavishly providing for everything they fancy has become the norm for families today. I see this even in Christian families.
Dear believer, the serious question is, 'are you careful enough to impart your most holy faith to your children or those under your care'? I thank God for my godly parents and grandparents. I cherish the sacred memory of my grandmother and mother who were the most instrumental in imparting their faith to me from my infancy. My grandmother even conducted a Sunday School at home for our neighbourhood children so that they too shared her faith! They passed away a long while ago, but their faith abides in most of us even today.
It is said of Susannah Wesley, mother of the famous John and Charles Wesley that she took particular care of each of her 19 children! She fed, clothed and educated all of them with the meager salary of her husband who was a cleric. But what really paid off was the time and effort she put into the life of each one of those 19 children in sharing her faith to them individually. She was particular in taking each child alone with her to do some chore in order to talk to them one-to-one and to share her faith and belief. No wonder, John became England’s most renowned preacher and Charles the equally famous hymn writer!
Dear friend, Christian father or mother, I urge you to emulate my dear mother who was so serious to see her children catch her faith that her rule was, “No Bible reading and prayer, no breakfast!” Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb.11.6). What are you doing each day to impart your faith to your children? Are you only attending to all their other needs?
Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, forgive me for not giving equal or more time and effort to imparting my faith in You to my children. Help me to start today! Amen.