May Your Will Be Done
Loud and even boisterous worship and fervent and even forceful and violent prayersare becoming common in today's Charismatic churches! This may be a welcome change from ‘the old-fashioned, emotionless approach’ to God. But, I am afraid it is creating among us a somewhat ‘patronizing and even belligerent attitude’ in our approach to God! We assert ourselves before God. We assume that He must and will hear us. The Almighty must condescend to answer us because of ‘our boldness!’
True, the Bible encourages us to be bold as we approach the throne of grace (Heb 4.16). The Lord Jesus even told us, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it – the violent will take the kingdom of God by force” (Mt 11.12). But I believe ‘that violence’ is not merely using loud voices or forceful actions! The Lord was teaching and encouraging a holy and reverent fervour in our prayers, petitions, testimony, preaching and all other spiritual ministries.
The real issue is, “How serious are you in seeking God? How importunate are you when you pray? Is your passion consuming, when you are making a request to God? What if your prayer is not soon answered? Will you be still lingering at the throne of God until He condescends to hear? Until He answers us, according to His will and may not be according to our requests!
Dear friends, it is not the decibels of your voice or your violent gesticulations that matter to God or move His heart! It is the holy passion of your soul for God and the things you ask of Him. Surely God will respond to men and women with such passion! But mind you, God is not hoodwinked or easily persuaded. No! Not even the devil is afraid of our whims and fancies. Holy men of old cried out to God and their prayers were heard. Dear old Hannah, a godly woman, went to the temple of God and stood up and prayed at its doorway. She was vexed in her heart and she cried out within her. Her poor soul was open towards her God in whom alone she trusted for help. No words came out of her mouth! Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel and the prophets too humbled themselves, fasted and prayed. Such prayers God has never refused!
Yet, dear believer, we need to learn the precious lesson of submission in the wake of our passion and boldness! It is what our dear Lord taught us in the garden of Gethsemane! He, though He was the Son of God, yet He learned obedience through His submission to the Father’s will. We need to learn the same obedience to the Sovereign will of God. Your will is not always God’s will! His will is good, perfect and acceptable! Only those who follow the footsteps of the Lord will know it! Stick close to Him!
Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, teach me to follow You closely up on the mountain top or through Gethsemane to Calvary and to learn to submit to the will of the Father in all things. Amen.