Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Seek The Giver

Give your servant a discerning heart to distinguish between right and wrong. 1 Kings 3.9.

At Gibeon, the LORD appeared to King Solomon during the night in a dream and said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Solomon said, “Give your servant a discerning heart to distinguish between right and wrong.” Mind you, Solomon was only a lad! He had just assumed a man’s job – of being a king. Wasn’t it a sensible and wise request? Probably not the kind you and I pray everyday!

Let us consider God’s favour on Solomon. Wouldn’t you like to have God appear when you are in some kind of great need? Though we believe in Solomon’s God, we think that He is so remote, unapproachable and often difficult to contact. Let us try and learn some great and lasting lessons from this incident of God appearing to Solomon.

Solomon, of all King David’s sons (some were older and more handsome than him), was determined to seek the LORD GOD of his godly father. Though already a king, we see him going all the way from Jerusalem to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the most important high place. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. He had a great desire to know the Lord and had a heart full of love for Him. He made time from his important kingly schedule to seek after God. He was also so lavish in his offerings to God.

Compare Solomon with us. We can’t find a few quiet moments to be with God each day. We don’t even offer a few words of sacrifices of praise to Him daily, let alone parting with our money or using our talents! Do you wonder why your God is so distant and impersonal and you do not find Him when you need Him? Solomon was in the right place doing the right thing that pleased the Lord. God came to meet him!

Though God hasn’t appeared in person or in a dream, we have experienced this presence and intervention of God in our lives many a time as individuals and as a family. The Bible says, “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isa 55.6). The Lord once told Israel, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jer 29.13).

Do you know what your problem is? You seek the ‘gift and not THE GIVER!” You do not seek God or offer praises to Him like Solomon and you wonder why God was so partial to him to meet him and offer him ‘whatever he wished!”

Dear believer, start today to be like Solomon (during his younger days) and you will be surprised when God meets you. When He comes He will give you all that you need!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, forgive me for me for not making the time to seek your face each day with devotion and sacrifice. Give me a hunger and thirst for You! Amen.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Give Thanks To The Lord


Psalm 100 is a song that encourages us to give thanks to the LORD. Even though the author is not mentioned, it follows King David’s style! He is one who outshines all others with his heartfelt love for God, reverence for who He is and gratitude for all that the LORD GOD had done for him.

Learn from Psalm 100 the many reasons for giving thanks to God and praising Him. 1) It is God who made us. 2) We are His. 3) We are His people. 4)We are ‘the sheep’ of his pasture. 5)The LORD is good. 6) His love endures forever. 7) His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Turn for a moment to another psalm of David, Psalm 103. Here he calls to his own soul and says, “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” Then he gives a number of solid reasons why his soul should praise the LORD: 1) For all His benefits. 2) Forgiving all his sins. 3) Healing all his diseases. 4) Redeeming his life from the pit – death. 5) Crowning him with love and compassion. 6) Satisfying his desires with good things. 7) Renewing his youth like the eagle's.

This is only the beginning of recounting the reasons to thank and praise the LORD. Read on and you will find some of the greatest and the most intimate reasons for endless praise and worship in gratitude to the LORD. Listen to the most tender reason for any one of us to Bless the LORD, which I love most and quote often - “for as a father has compassion on his children so the LORD has compassion on us!”

There is one other important reason to give thanks to the LORD. It opens God’s heart and heaven’s windows to pour out answers to our anxious prayers! This is what the apostle Paul teaches us, “Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayer and make your request while giving thanks” (Phil 4.6).

I have long learned Psalm 103 by heart and I have taught it to my children and their children! Why don’t you too try to learn it by heart so that you won’t forget the many reasons you have to thank and praise God? Have you read the book, that old book of the early Charismatic movement, “Prison to Praise”? Yes! Prayer can open prison's doors. Praise and prayer, like fasting and prayer, can get you out of whatever prison you may find yourself in now or at any time!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, there are many reasons to pray because of my needs but surely there are many more reasons to thank and praise You before I make my requests and petitions to You. Amen.

Monday, October 29, 2007

To Be Like Joseph


Joseph was a good man though he made his mistakes and suffered for it! But he learned precious lessons that made him Christ-like, through the pit and the prison God allowed him to go through. The one good thing we learn from him is that he never wavered in his faith in his God. He endured it all with good humour and great honour. He overcame every situation and excelled in all the jobs he was forced to do! He was proud to do his very best in the most adverse and humiliating circumstances. What a man and what great lessons he has to teach us who also at times have to face such challenges or even worse ones than Joseph encountered.

Today’s lesson reveals to you and me the character of ‘the man of God’ that Joseph was. I like the way the Bible reveals Joseph’s story. What fascinates me is that it is recorded a number of times that “The LORD was with Joseph”. I have always wondered whether it wasn’t another way of saying “Joseph walked with God” as Enoch did! Maybe it was just the grace and favour of God on an unfortunate victim of other peoples’ jealousy and wickedness that “God was with him”, encouraging and strengthening him all the way!

Whatever it was, here was a man of God who experienced the goodness and kindness of God through a life of agony, insult and suffering. He had learned his lessons well through the ‘misfortunes’ God allowed and which he could endure because His God was with him. They took Joseph from ‘prison to throne’ and above all else enabled him to share in the character and will of God!

Hear those immortal words from the mouth of this ‘man of God’, Joseph, to his brothers who hated him to death and sold him to slavery but were now standing before him begging for food! “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.”

Do you see the Christ-likeness in Joseph? I hear in Joseph’s words, the prayer of the Lord Jesus on the cross to the father in the hearing of those who crucified Him, ‘Father forgive them for they do not know what they do to me!’ The apostle Peter, understanding the mystery of God’s will, told the Jews, “This man (Jesus) was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. But God raised him from the dead” (Acts 2.23,24).

O! that you and I might know the will of God in every situation, favourable and adverse, so that we could react like the Lord Jesus Christ and Joseph, with confidence in God and His purposes for us!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord Jesus who on the cross freely forgave those who crucified You, help me to understand that no man can thwart God’s plan. The good as well as the wicked will only serve God’s eternal plans for His own children! Dear Lord, enable me to hold on to God even in the most trying times. Help me also to be gracious like You and Joseph to forgive my offenders without grudge! Amen.

Either Life or Deatth


It is interesting to note that the Word of God, the Bible, is the only book in the world that reveals the mind and will of God for all people. Unlike other books written by men, the Bible, God’s Book, tells many great and wonderful things about itself. The Psalmist says, “It is a light to your path and a lamp to your feet”. It simply means that by reading it you can get direction and guidance.

Today’s verse contain words spoken by Moses, the great man of God, to the people of Israel. There was no written Bible at that time. God spoke to Moses and he spoke to the people. Later these were written down and saved for posterity, by God’s grace. What Israel had in writing during Moses’ days was probably only the TEN COMMANDMENTS written by the finger of God and handed to him on Mount Sinai. Moses recorded for the people THE SOCIO-CEREMONIAL LAWS which also the LORD ALMIGHTY gave to him.

Hear what Moses told the people about those COMMANDMENTS AND LAWS: “SET YOUR HEARTS ON ALL THE WORDS WHICH I TESTIFY AMONG YOU...IT IS YOUR LIFE!” How true it is! God’s Law is life and keeping it gives life! To the Israelites, it was literally true as the punishment for breaking most of those LAWS was death – often by stoning! Today just because the Lord has postponed judgment for our sins, don’t be mistaken, judgment will come!

Adam and Eve went against God’s Word and lost the privilege to live forever. They received God’s curse, and sorrow, pain and death became their portion. Cain broke God’s Word and killed his brother and was cursed. Pharaoh went against God’s Word and lost his life and the lives of his people. The children of Israel disobeyed God’s Word and a whole generation of over 2 million people lost their lives in the wilderness. The mighty Samson lost his life like a fool, for he blatantly disobeyed God’s Word and committed adultery against God. King Saul lost his kingship and kingdom when he disobeyed God’s Word. Solomon, the wisest king and whom God loved, lost God’s favour when he ignored God’s Word and increased wealth, wives, horses and ‘gods’. Friends the list is endless!

The great pity is that we know the Word of God and the inevitable consequences of breaking it and yet how lightly we take the Word! How foolishly we break it. King Saul at the end of his life bemoaned, “I played the fool with my life!” Are you playing the fool by taking lightly God’s Word and disobeying it carelessly? The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 5.7,8). I know of too many dear believers who have messed up their lives and are still messing up by deliberately going against God’s clear Word! I would to God that they repent!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, help me by Your Spirit to keep Your Word and live by it because “YOUR WORD IS EITHER LIFE OR DEATH TO ME!” Amen.

Cleanse The Temple


Jesus went to the temple at Jerusalem. King Herod had built it as the original temple built by Solomon had been destroyed by the Babylonians. Every Sabbath Jesus was in that temple or some other synagogue to worship and teach from its precincts. He called the temple His Father’s house of prayer. He saw traders of sheep, oxen, birds and everything else needed for the temple worship and sacrifice. There were also moneychangers to help people with exchange. It was convenient for the people and profitable not only for the traders but also the priests!

On one of His visits to the temple, Jesus could no longer tolerate the shouts of the traders, the bargaining by the people, the bleating of the sheep, the bellowing of the cattle, all the litter and the clamour of the moneychangers! He decided, ‘enough was enough!’ Making a cord of flax and whipping it around, He chased everyone saying, “You have turned my Father’s house of prayer into a den of thieves!”

Do you know that the apostle Paul calls your body and mine, ‘the temple of the living God’ for His Holy Spirit lives in us? Have you ever thought of how much filth and dirt is stacked up there? How many unholy thoughts, sinful imaginations and all intentions of evil against God and our fellow beings fill us? Wouldn’t it look more like a ‘garbage can’ and smell like one to Jesus? We have become so used to it like the garbage collectors, but not Jesus! He has been patiently tolerating the stench everyday, thus far! But one day His patience will wear out!

If we won’t cleanse our body and soul through repentance and seeking forgiveness, He will come one day with His whip and do it by force. It will be painful and sad but it will be for our own good! But if you still refuse to stop sinning, then your end will be with all the wicked in the fire of Hell. Do not be deceived thinking that there is no hell or that God is too kind not to cast you there! Jesus made it so clear through the parable of Lazarus and the rich man that your eternal destiny could either be in heaven with God or in Hell with the devil (Lk 16.23,24).

But blessed are you and I if we look in the mirror of God’s Word and find out what garbage is in us and cast it away daily by repenting and by confessing. Our problem is that we do not consider our sin – SIN! We make excuses to continue sinning! Like King David, acknowledge your sin. Then God will forgive and cleanse you. The Holy Spirit will enable you to live a life that is pleasing to the LORD! It is a pity that even to those who pray daily, seeking forgiveness is not an essential part of prayer. In what we call the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us how important it is to seek the Father’s forgiveness daily! He knows we are prone to sin and need forgiveness.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I thank You for Your patience with me and not ‘whipping me in anger’ for all that I do that displeases You. Lord, my sin is ever before me and I repent of it now. Please forgive me and give me a clean heart and life, by Your Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Show Proper Respect


The other day, I was told about the behavior of a 4 year old child from a grandmother. The child refused to wear the clothes his mother had picked. The reason, it was not his choice! He yelled and screamed at his parents and started pulling his mother's hair. All this was performed in front of elderly guests who happened to be staying with the family. All the parents did was to start making excuses for the boy's behaviour. Where in the world has discipline and training children to behave and respect parents and elders gone from Christian families? This is only the tip of the iceberg!

Recently the Christian parents of an adult, educated daughter gave me a letter written by her to her retired uncle and aunty. The letter exuded deadly venom that would kill a thousand people or at least knock them unconscious! Obviously their family and personal relationship had been pretty sour for years and there were upsetting incidents lately. But doesn’t the Bible teach, “In your anger do not sin”. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, do not give the devil a foothold” (Eph 4.26,27).

A generation ago these things would not have happened even in pagan families! The unwritten law was, “Children are to be seen and not heard!” Parents seldom chit-chatted with their children, let alone played with them. Then things began to change. Parents and children became buddies. The societies and cultures that practiced filial piety and obedience made a turn around. The parents relaxed on disciplining their children and seldom were they taught to respect elders and strangers. Saying ‘No’ to a child was not sound psychology and ‘the rod’ was thrown out the back door!

What does the Bible teach you about how you and your children should treat your parents, relatives, friends and even strangers? The Ten Commandments are binding to all people of all ages. The fifth commandment demands ‘honour your parents’. The other nine teach us to honour God and respect others and their rights and property. Jesus never set aside the commandments. He came to fulfill even the spirit of the law!

What does God teach us about bringing up children in any age particularly ours when they are already under the influence of the corrupt media and wanton peer pressures? “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Pro 22.6). “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him” (Pro 13.24).

We are living in a day when there is a proliferation of sermons, seminars, lectures, courses, counselling etc. etc. Many spend fortunes attending them! But if our attitude is that ‘we know better’, then even God cannot help us or our children. As I was writing this, ‘the verse of the day’ appeared on my computer screen and it read, “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him” (Pro 26.12).

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, teach me to honour You and respect all people, especially parents and older people. Let Your blessing flow on me and my family as I do so. Amen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clay In Potter's Hand


I have dreams and plans for my life. But the trouble is that even though God loves me so much and I love Him too, I feel that God has not helped fulfilled all of them! Do you feel the same way? Most people do! Sometimes, things work out fine and I will be excited and praise God. At times, things work against me and I feel miserable and depressed. I know God is for me but it seems as though He is against me!

What has gone wrong? For one thing, I do not quite understand and believe what God said about ‘my plans’ and ‘His plans’ for me. He said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,” declares the LORD (Isa 55.8,9).

It is good to have plans for our lives. But it is better to believe that God has far better and higher plans for us! If it is so, you must be prepared to accept whatever God has planned for your life. Sometimes, you may have to go through hard, difficult and painful situations in order that God may accomplish His plans in you!

God says, He is the potter and we are the clay. He has the ownership and also the ability to make something beautiful out of your life, more exquisite than all your dreams and expectations! “Didn’t I tell you that if only you believe, you will see the glory of God,” Jesus told Martha. She was standing at the tomb of her dead brother Lazarus, totally distressed and disappointed. Jesus didn’t heal him and save his life as she and her sister Mary had plainly expected. Didn’t He love them? But Jesus had to let that terrible death happen so that not only Lazarus, but even Martha and Mary could experience a miracle in their lives!

Dear friend, you may not see the plan of God for you and the hand of God on your life at this moment! With all the problems that you are facing, it may not look like He is doing much to help you? But God is doing just the right thing with you. Remember, you are only the clay in his hand. He has all the right to do whatever He wishes in your life. You may complain and cry. That kneading, rolling, squeezing, carving and oven-baking are awful to endure! There is nothing that you can do!

But one thing God assures you, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer 29.11). Dear discouraged and disappointed believer, JUST BELIEVE GOD AND STICK ON THERE WHERE YOU ARE! Like as a Potter, let Him do what He wants. Wait to see the glory of the end-product. It will be beautiful beyond your wildest dreams! God knows what He is doing. Accept that difficult, even impossible situation. Don’t sulk! Don’t give up! Wait defiantly, until God comes and transforms everything! He will, for He is the Divine Potter! Praise Him for it while you wait! Sing if you can!

Pray with me: Dear Lord, You said, You are the Potter and I am only the clay. I can only wait while You are making and remaking me through my very circumstances. Amen.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Tree of Life


The ‘tree of life’ is a mystery to all of us. However, it is good to know what the Bible teaches about the ‘tree of life.” We see it first in the centre of the Garden of Eden. It was one of the two trees in the middle of the garden, the other being ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. The LORD told Adam and Eve that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and that the day they ate it they would die! It will forever be a mystery and a wonder why Adam and Eve didn’t go first for the fruit of the tree of life which would have given them the privilege to live forever! It was not forbidden. Instead they ate of ‘the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil!’

Aren’t we all like our first parents, always wanting to eat the forbidden fruit (or do the forbidden thing)? How true the saying, ‘the forbidden fruit tastes sweeter to our natural sinful senses!’ But, beware, ‘sin is crouching at our doorstep’ when we disobey any of God’s laws.

Back to Adam and Eve, maybe God didn’t want them to eat the fruit of the tree of life first because he foreknew that they would go for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil anyway! In His mercy God didn’t want sinners to live forever in their sinful state increasing the judgment on them. So the Lord drove them out of the garden and set the cherubims to guard the tree of life and stop them from eating of it and living forever.

We read again about the tree of life in the book of Revelation. It grows on either side of the river of life which flows from the throne of God and the Lamb. It will bear a different fruit each month and its leaves are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22.2). Whether we eat of the tree of life or not, we will live forever!

We possess eternal life through THE FRUIT OF ‘ANOTHER TREE!’ Let us turn our attention to this ‘OTHER TREE’. For all of us sinners, the children of Adam, God in His love, mercy and grace has provided ‘A TREE ON MOUNT CALVARY!’ The apostle Peter says, “JESUS HIMSELF BORE OUR SINS IN HIS BODY ON THE TREE, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness;” (1 Pe 2.24).

The way to THIS TREE is always open and you and I are invited by God to come to it and be saved and blessed! Have you been to the TREE OF CALVARY WHERE CHRIST JESUS BORE YOUR SIN AND DIED THAT YOU MIGHT BE FORGIVEN AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE? If you haven’t, I beg you by the mercy of God, RUN TO THAT TREE ON CALVARY – THE CROSS OF CHRIST!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I thank You for the tree of life on Calvary on which the Lord Jesus bore my sins and died. Lord, forever lead me to the foot of the cross, to find forgiveness, eternal life and rest for my soul. Amen.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Who Are We In Christ?


The above statement by the apostle Paul about our lives is not so easily understood unless you read it in a modern English translation or better still in a good paraphrase, like the ‘Living Bible’. I have it here in the ‘New Revised Version’. ‘We are what God has made us. He has created us in Christ Jesus for good works. These, God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.’ I have taken the liberty to split the original long sentence into short sentences for easy understanding.

We are living in an age when many have ‘identity crises!’ They ask, “Who am I? Why am I here? What is the real purpose in life, if there is one?” Not only the youngsters but even older ones are often perplexed about these things. Presently, you may be going through tough times. You may not have found your ‘physical and more so spiritual niche’ in life!

You and I may have times of perplexity when we are not sure of what is happening to us! You may be all upset and despairing! It is not strange or wrong at all! Great prophets like Moses who divided the Red Sea and Elijah who brought fire from heaven on Mount Carmel and raised even the dead, had such crises. Once Elijah cried to God, "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors" (1 Ki 19.4). God fed him once by the ravens and then by the angels. God revealed Himself to Elijah in a special manner. The Lord spoke to him to cheer him up and reveal His purpose for him.

Here in today’s verse, we have one of the surest Word of God for your life and mine! “We are what God has made us. He has created us in Christ Jesus for good works. These, God prepared beforehand to be our way of life”. If you have any perplexity or fear that you are not in the right place or find yourself in deep trouble, this is God speaking to you today!

Use the verse and keep asking god to fulfill in you all the good purposes for which He has created you! The Psalmist praised God saying, “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me” (Psa 138.8). The Lord will do it if you will only surrender to Him and desire to do His will. He will touch your life and transform it. You will reach out and touch other lives by the power of His Spirit.

Pray with me: Dear Lord, there are times of anxiety and distress when I feel no purpose in life or doubt it! Help me to take hold of Your promises and claim then one by one and feel fulfilled when You answer me. Amen.

Why The Thief Comes?


Sometime ago, my wife and I spent some time with a family friend and his wife. We hadn't seen them for many months. They were in their eighties. The wife had a stroke and was bedridden. The husband was frail and losing his memory. As our friend greeted us, he said, ‘This morning we remembered you by name in our prayer!” It humbled us indeed to know that godly friends are praying for us! He and I sat reminiscing about the Lord’s goodness to both of us. When we parted, I prayed for him and his wife.

He was saved as a young man. He grew up with the Lord and in the fellowship of the church. Being fervent in serving the Lord, he took an early retirement at the age of 50. Then on, he served his church and the believers full-time until 80. It was only at the ripe old age of 84 that he retired fully from church work. Like the apostle Paul, they too finished their race and have gone to glory to be with the Lord whom they faithfully served so long!

He lived such a full and satisfying life only because he accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord of his life when he was yet a self-willed young man living in a big city. His life was changed. His directions and interests changed. He began to obey God rather than pleasing himself and living in sin with his buddies! He walked the straight path and God prospered him and used him for the blessing of many. How true were the words of the Lord in his life, “I have come in order that you might have life---life in all its fullness.”

But it was with great regret and sorrow that we talked about his only son that day. Born in this good Christian family, to devoted parents, he followed them to church. He was brought up in the fellowship of the church and through the Sunday School and Youth ministry. Instead of giving his life fully to Christ like his father, He let ‘the thief and robber, the devil’ take control of his life. The young man let the devil destroy his life! He didn’t study well, messed up his life with his worldly friends, and picked up habits that destroy one’s career and prospects for life.

Friend, remember Jesus' warning, “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life---life in all its fullness”. Give your life fully to the Lord. Many Christians are prepared to give Jesus only part of their lives. No! Give your all to Jesus. Let Him make you live your life to its fullest! Don’t let the devil rob your life and destroy it for now and eternity!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, You came in order that I might have life---life in all its fullness. You died on the cross and gave me a new life. I give my life fully to You NOW! Amen.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reading & Obeying The Word

CHRIST NEVER VERBALLY ABUSED THOSE WHO VERBALLY ABUSED HIM. When he suffered, he didn't make any threats but left everything to the one who judges fairly. 1 Peter 2.23.

Watch just one current TV movie and you will know how differently people behave today than the Lord Jesus Christ. People abuse those who abuse them. They shout at those who shout at them. They threaten those who threaten them. They cheat if others cheat them. They snub those who snub them. They hate those who hate them. They strike those who strike them. They withhold courtesy from those who are not courteous to them. There is nothing that they don’t do to retaliate! ‘The disease’ is spreading, especially among our young, impressionable generation and the vulnerable in the society. The devastating effect of the senseless and scrupulous mass media has become global.

If only the people of this world indulged in these things, it would be bad enough! But when the people of God, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, you and I, are the perpetrators, what hope is there for the world?

The attitude and action of our Lord Jesus Christ portrayed before us in our Bible text for today is clear for all to see. Dear believer, take a little time to quietly think of the reaction of our Lord in that most difficult situation he faced in life! Let it challenge you. Let it expose your attitudes, actions and reactions. If you act like the people of this world, may the Holy Spirit convict you of your wrongdoings. Let Him bring a strong desire in you to follow the lifestyle of your Master and be like Him in all situations.

This life-changing or character transforming experience comes only by ‘continually walking in tune with the Spirit of Christ, listening to his correction and counsel’. It is not the product of a moment’s desire but the fruit of a daily walk with Jesus by watching Him in the gospels.

Dear friend, have you ever thought ‘why you are commanded to read and meditate on God’s Word daily?’ It is because God wants you to note what is taught and practise what you learn. God wants you not to turn either to the right or left but walk in the way He shows you from His Word daily. Christians all over the world listen to sermons from God's Word every Sunday. They flock to attend all kinds of preaching, Bible Studies and seminars. But they are the same forever! Like the proverbial ‘water on the ducks back’, nothing seems to sink in and take root and change their inherent character flaws!

Remember, Jesus once told His disciples, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Mt 7.24-27). You can be that wise builder if only you make your decision today!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, Your Word has warned me, ‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves’ (Ja 1.22). Help me to obey your Word and begin to act like You towards others. Amen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pray For Authority


There is no country under the sun where the rulers are altogether righteous and just! From East to West in every nation the people are subjected to the wickedness of evil rulers and only in degree it varies! The apostle Paul who lived under the rule of the most cruel and corrupt Roman government, urges us to adopt the right attitude and action, as Christian citizens of our country.

For some years now, the Church in many countries has been endeavouring to bring not only salvation to the perishing peoples but also liberation from the evils of secular governments. We have seen programs like, "Love Singapore / Sydney etc. etc." In Malaysia, the national churches have had a "Forty day fast and prayer" for the nation for a number of years. It was interesting to note the churches lately announcing that there is going be a "Run for the Nation" soon!

In spite of all the adverse situations that the local Christians have to undergo today, about which everyone complains about, there is so much to thank God for His sovereign intervention in the affairs of our land. Our nation is a 'declared' Muslim State. Yet there is much freedom of worship and liberty to hold even large Christian gatherings in the biggest public stadium in the land for worship and the declaration of the gospel. There is hardly any reaction from the government or authorities or even the Muslim public! This is happening while in our neighbouring Muslim nations and especially in the Arab world one cannot even take in a personal Bible, let alone hold Christian services even in private homes!

In spite of all this, it a great pity that the Christians of this nation, even the leaders, often speak evil and ill of the government and those in authority over them, whenever they meet! The hatred they spew out is beyond comprehension! The tales they carry are numerous and many of them are unauthenticated. It makes a thinking Christian wonder, didn't our master teach, "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?" (Mt 5.44-46).

There seems to be a great degree of inconsistency in what we as Christian citizens of this country do and say! The seriousness of the question the apostle James asked the believers should warn us against continuing the spread of evil against our rulers, ".. the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be" (Ja 3.8-11).

Dear believer, listen to the apostle Paul's words of apology as he unknowingly made a caustic remark to the High Priest, "Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: 'Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people." Shouldn't this cause the bad-mouthing of our leaders to stop? You should take heed to what the apostle urges you to do, 'First of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority ". Prayer changes MEN!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, let me lift up holy hands and with my mouth pray and intercede for those whom You have placed in authority over me that they may be just, righteous and fair. Amen.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Let's Call To The Lord


The other day, I was talking to a believer in the church who was retrenched from his company. He was in great distress. He couldn’t find a job to keep his family going. I told him, “We have so many CEOs, managers and proprietors of companies in our Church. They could easily get you a job!” With a sad face he said, “Yes! We may have all the big guns but nobody is there to help when one is in need. You are wasting your time and breath asking them for help!” So no one bothers to ask them. They may have their reasons not to help but still it is great pity!

But God is our ever-present help in trouble (Psa 46.1). Have you ever wondered why people, especially the desperate and the needy, pray to God? Why do they seek God’s help? It is only because everyone knows God answers prayers! He answers the prayers of even the unbelievers who are praying to idols in their ignorance!! If God didn’t answer prayers or He couldn’t answer our requests, no one would have continued to pray to Him. But God does hear our prayers and answers us. The Psalmist David said, “Because you answer prayers, people everywhere will come to you” (Psa 65.2).

The Bible is a continuous testimony of people of all walks of life whose prayers and petitions the Lord answered. It is full of the stories of princes and peasants; kings and rulers and prisoners in the dungeons; the rich and the famous and the destitute widows and orphans; people in trouble and those in sickness, whose prayers were answered by God. In the gospels, none that came to Jesus with any request went away disappointed. He helped them all. The history of the Church during the apostolic days and since then, is an unbroken record of people calling on the Lord and He answering them.

Friend, dear believer, you may be in some kind of need. You have more than enough proof to show that God hears your call; he listens to your cry; and answers your requests and prayers. Often you doubt whether God will or can answer your ‘difficult prayers!’ They may be difficult for you and even be impossible for you! But not for God!

Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19.26). If you know it only as a doctrine or teaching, it is of no benefit to you. You need to know it as an inviolable truth! You need to experience it every day in life. Only then will the doctrine of the ‘omnipotence of God’ (almighty power) become a reality in your life.

The way to do it is to keep asking God for everything you need and all the time. The more answers you receive from God, the more you will trust Him. When God works in small things, your faith will begin to grow! When He performs miracles now and again in answer to your prayers, then your faith grows in leaps and bounds. The more answers to prayer you receive, the more you will trust God. The more you will begin to tell others like King David, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. This poor soul cried, and was heard by the LORD, and was saved from every trouble” (Psa 34.4,6). They too will come to the LORD for His help!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, from of old You had been faithful to all who called on You. You have always heard the prayers of those who trusted in You. Hear my cry and answer me in Your mercy and grace. Amen.

Facing Death


When I was a final year medical student preparing for my exams, I received a telegram from home to say that my dear ‘father had suddenly died!’ I was 5,000 miles away from home and I couldn’t possibly go and be with my beloved mother and 5 younger siblings out of 10. I was the eldest son. My father was a preacher and pastor. He had a sudden heart attack and died while he was praying at a large gathering!

Even though I suddenly lost my beloved father, there was one consolation for me. Whereas my family members were there to witness his death and feel the pangs of this sudden loss, it was quite different for me. I wasn’t there to see him go! I was absent from home and hadn't seen my father for more than 2 years. For me, it was more like ‘before he was at home far away, but now he is in heaven farther away!’ Death and separation really didn’t make much difference in that situation.

This is basically what the apostle Paul told us, “to be away from the body and at home with the Lord” (2 Cor 2.5). We all should know what ‘death’ is in reality - a transition from our mortal life on earth to life immortal in heaven. This should take away our fear of death. Even though you do not wish to die, you must be prepared when death beckons! As for our dear ones who die, the truth about death and resurrection should take away our hopelessness though we despair!

Paul taught the Thessalonians about the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of the living saints at Christ’s Second Coming. Then he said, “With these words, comfort and encourage one another” those who are bereaved and grieving (1 Thes 4.18).

Death comes, sometimes suddenly and at other times, in due course. All meet with death and encounter the death of others! Even, we Christians cannot escape death. The Bible tells us, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb 9.27). Even though the risen and living Christ is with us, still we die. It was while Jairus was with Jesus and He was on the way to heal his daughter that she died! Can you imagine that? But Jesus raised the lass! Dear believer, it tells you the truth that while God allows death, Christ guarantees resurrection! Therefore let us comfort one another.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, help me face death, whether mine or that of dear ones, with courage, knowing the truth that ‘to die is to be with Christ, which is far better!’ Amen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Run To Jesus


I know of a young family in deep distress. Both the husband and wife are keen Christians. They were involved in some ministries in the church. But tragedy has struck them. Their first child, a son, is autistic and unmanageable. The wife had to leave her job to look after him along with two other children. The husband lost his well-paying job. He hasn’t been able to find suitable employment since. Then the wife too became seriously ill with a debilitating disease!

You and I may not be in such bewildering situations. But we do face difficulties of various degrees and often we are at our wits end! There are times we just do not know what to do! Let us look at Peter and the disciples for a moment. No one could have been in a more disappointing and distressing situation than the disciples at that time. Jesus, their master and leader whom they believed to be the Son of God for three and half years, had been persecuted and crucified. The one who was their support and help for the present and hope for the future was dead and his body was now lying in the tomb! When He was there they didn’t have to take care of themselves. He provided even for their taxes! He was the Messiah, the anointed deliverer. They were even planning to be his ‘ministers without portfolio’ when He restored the Kingdom and began His rule. Some were even trying to book their seats on Jesus right and left when He sat on His throne in heaven.

Now, all of a sudden, everything changed! Helpless, hopeless and fearful of their very lives they sat behind the locked doors of the ‘upper room’ in Jerusalem. Then came Mary Magdalene with the terrible news that even Jesus’ body was stolen from the tomb! What did these desperate men do? “Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first”. They ran to where they could find Jesus – dead or alive – the tomb! They didn’t know that Jesus was alive. They didn’t believe that He could rise up again. But they wanted to be where they left Jesus' body!

Their only desire was to reach Jesus! Dear believer, your only hope even in the midst of the most serious calamity is to run and get close to Jesus. You may not know whether He will deliver you or not. But you can be sure that He will take you through your problems. He is your Saviour who is alive. Death could not keep Him. The grave could not hold Him. There was nothing that could stop Him. He is the conqueror of all. Just to be near Jesus, to be with Him is your greatest comfort. Run!

He is your Good Shepherd. You shall not be in want. He makes you lie down in green pastures, he leads you beside quiet waters, he restores your soul. He guides you in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil, for He is with you; His rod and His staff, they comfort you. Believe it and keep running to Jesus! (Psa 23).

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I will run and come to You in my distress. I want to be where You are. I thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. Amen.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beloved of The Lord


I am my father’s first-born son and he loved me. My grandfather took special interest in my upbringing. I was named after him, Benjamin. I still remember him showing from the Bible the prophecy about Benjamin, “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders” (Deut 33.12). I did my best to please my parents and grandparents in response to their love, not that I never did wrong!

I am now a father and grandfather and I love my four children and grandchildren! They love me too. When my children were young and dependant, they did things to please me. Now that they are old enough and mature, they look after themselves. However, it pleases me when they still care to listen to my fatherly counsel, even if they make their own choices!

Reading about the Heavenly Father God’s response to His Son Jesus Christ for His willing obedience, I was greatly thrilled. Jesus argued with John the Baptist to persuade him to baptise Him. He said, “This is the way it has to be now. This is the proper way to do everything that God requires of us”. They both went into the waters of the Jordan and John baptised Jesus.

The Father’s response was immediate. Even as Jesus came out of the water, ‘heaven was opened’ and ‘the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove’. And ‘a voice came from heaven’: ‘You are my Son, whom I love’; ‘with you I am well pleased’. I love it! Our obedience to the Father can be inconvenient, costly and even painful, but what a blessing it brings! Heaven opens! The Holy Spirit comes down and abides in you! God speaks to you! And what Words! “This is my son! I am well pleased with you!"

Friend, in the final analysis, the only way to please your Heavenly Father and to be filled with His Spirit and receive the blessings you and I desperately need is to obey – ‘to do everything that God requires of us’. No amount of service or sacrifice will do! Notice that Jesus hadn’t done anything great thus far – the gospels record nothing that he did before that! Yet the Father said, “I love you!” and called Him “Beloved” and said, “I am well pleased with you!”

Oh! That you and I like Moses may consider God's pleasure in us greater blessing than the riches and joys of the world! May we follow the Lord’s path of perfect obedience to the Father in everything! There is no greater blessing than to be the ‘Beloved of the LORD!’ Dear believer, strive for it through increasing obedience to His Word.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, give me such a craving to do everything You require and to be called ‘Your beloved’ and to hear You say, ‘I am well pleased with you’. Amen.

Monday, October 8, 2007

I Have Set The Example


Some time ago we had our national election. The ruling party won overwhelmingly! May the Lord guide them to rule our country with justice, righteousness and equity. It was interesting to see the publicity campaign by the candidates for election. Each one was trying his best to outdo his opponent by promising the electorate the best service possible. But the electorate were not easily fooled!

You and I by nature want others to serve us. We are unwilling to serve others. For us Christians, our Master is our supreme example in service to others. It is true that He came to die for our sins and save us from its penalty, offering eternal life. But He made it very clear that He came to serve humanity. For He said, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mt 20.28). You, His disciples should never forget that.

Jesus saw the attitude of the people and of His disciples. He clearly told them that He came to change them for the better. Read what He said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave” (Mt 20.25-27).

Days before His crucifixion and before He left the disciples, Jesus washed their feet. It was their custom for the slaves to wash the master's feet before their feasts. But here the Master washed the disciples’ feet. It was a genuine act of service. But it was much more than that. It was a lesson in service to one another. It is a lesson for you and me too! That is why Jesus said, “I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you”.

I am amazed at the lack of willingness of people to help or serve others. We are unwilling to leave our comfort zone and go out and offer help to those in need! Pity, it is very much the same in the church, among friends and in families too. You expect everyone to talk to you politely and considerately. You want all to come to your help and attend to your needs. When someone fails to respond, you find fault with them easily.

You do not heed what Jesus taught us, “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Mt 7.12). It is time that you make a start to change yourself. It is up to you to make the first move. Don’t ever say, “Let others do it first!” From today, begin to do what the apostle Paul taught you, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Phil 2 4,5).

Dear believer, be on the lookout for the needs of others! Respond to them as the Lord would! That is true discipleship. That is authentic Christianity! The Lord Jesus has set you an example! He expects you, no, commands you to follow it. Follow you must, to obey and please Him and be the salt of the earth!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, forgive me of my selfishness. I am not prepared to help anyone but myself and my family. Holy Spirit, help me to follow the Lord's example from today and to make a deliberate effort to serve others. Amen.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Lesson of Jonah


God sent prophet Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh and ask them to repent of their great wickedness. He refused to go and got into a real mess in the belly of a whale in the deep sea. He even caused the big fish to have ‘a tummy ache and vomit!’ Having suffered punishment for disobedience, Jonah decided to go and preach to the Ninevites.

The result was one of the most successful crusades in all the history of evangelism! Obey God and do ‘what pleases Him instead of what pleases you’ and you will see miracles happen! The whole city of one hundred and twenty thousand idle-worshippers, together with their king, fasted for three days, repented and turned to God! But, Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. Can you imagine that?

Sometime ago a rapist father was set free by a judge because of the lack of proper evidence submitted by the prosecutors. The NGOs and the Womens’ groups especially, became very angry and voiced their protest aloud. They had good reasons to be upset because they were afraid that he might continue to rape others!

But Jonah’s situation was different. He was much like the ‘elder brother of the prodigal son’, displeased and complaining on his return to the father’s house! Have you ever felt pity for the elder brother? I must admit, I have felt so and even thought that the father was rather unfair! The problem with Jonah, the prodigal’s brother, and also us is the same. We are interested only in us and in receiving all that we can from God. We are saved. We have the father’s house, His fellowship and all His many blessings. Our attitude often shows that we do not care what happens to all the others who are sinners! Won’t we be very happy if all evil doers just perished from the face of the earth! We would enjoy a safer and better world!

If only we know the heart of God and His love for the wicked and the sinful, we also would be like God, “He is patient …, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (Pet 3.9). You and I would greatly desire like God and pray constantly that “they all may be saved!” (1 Tim 2.4). O, Lord! Give me such a passion for sinners!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, give me a heart like Yours so that I would begin to love and care for those who are far and near to me but living in sin and idolatry, and plead for their salvation more than for greater blessings for myself!

Why Christ Died?

CHRIST DIED TO TAKE AWAY OUR SINS AS THE SCRIPTURES PREDICTED. He was placed in a tomb. He was brought back to life on the third day as the Scriptures predicted. 1 Corinthians 15.3,4.

You and I are simple folk who do not know much theology! Thank God for what we know. But we should always strive to know more about our faith. Yet, be sure that you do not lose your simple faith in the graveyard of ‘controversial theology’ that is of no profit and even destroys faith!

The apostle Paul was one of the most prominent theologians. Apart from the things he learned from eminent scholars, his knowledge came by divine revelation! He is the one who wrote much of the theology and doctrines of Christian faith. They are contained in the epistles. Many of his discourses are complicated and beyond our simple understanding! But in today’s lesson, we have the apostle coming to the level of a simple believer and teaching him the basics of biblical truth!

In just 2 verses, he tells us the foundation for our faith. He says, “I passed on to you the most important points of doctrine that I had received: ‘Christ died to take away our sins as the Scriptures predicted. He was placed in a tomb. He was brought back to life on the third day as the Scriptures predicted’ ” (1 Cor 15.3,4).

All that you need to know for your salvation is that Christ died for your sins. He was raised to life by the power of the Holy Spirit on the third day, and gives you new life in that power! However, you should go on to learn all that is in the Word of God, Old and New Testaments. But be sure that you do not forget the fundamentals of your faith.

Sometimes believers get side-tracked by their Bible study. Seeking knowledge becomes the issue and living it out escapes their attention. You shouldn’t forget God’s purposes for you. Likewise, while chasing miracles and supernatural gifts we should not lose our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. Miracles without Christ are worthless! Gifts without the Holy Spirit are useless. Though knowledge, gifts and miracles are essential to ministry, often we only get puffed up by these. We make use of them to bring fame and fortune to us and not to glorify Christ.

Dear believer, though the world doesn’t know it and only few believe it, our faith hangs on the simple yet profound truth, “Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification!” My dear late father and a faithful servant of the Lord had only one desire, “God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Gal 6.14).

The other day, I went out for lunch with one of my sons. While paying our bill we noticed the lady cashier wearing a cross on a chain! My son asked her, “Are you Christian?” She said, “Yes”. It turned out that she too attends our large church! I mused within myself, ‘Wouldn’t it be a good idea for all of us Christians to wear a cross for others to know that we belong to Christ?’ But then, it would be better for us and the world if you and I would ‘wear Christ’ in our everyday life!

This Lord's day, dear friend, you have the unique opportunity to celebrate the death and resurrection of your Saviour Jesus Christ. Make it a fresh occasion to get a touch from the risen Lord who will be present and walking in midst of the congregation!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You from the depth of my heart for dying for my sins. Enable me to live in Your resurrection power each day and be Your witness. Amen.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Whenever I Call You


Often my devotionals come out of my own meditations and they reflect my experiences of God. I am not writing it for ‘writing-sake’. Neither is it a mere endeavour to 'produce' or teach others something. The daily devotionals come out of the hot furnace of my ordinary experiences of the ups and downs of life, which are very much like yours! I trust and pray that my experiences of God may continue and be shared with others as long as He grants me life and strength.

In your ‘good times’, you have the tendency to enjoy it by yourself. You forget to let even God share such times! At such seasons you feel you can manage things yourself. The need for God is not present. Hence you do not experience God!

It is in the dark valleys and deep shadows of life that one meets with God. There you are afraid. You cannot see clearly. You feel helpless and even lonely. You have to turn to God. You realise that He alone can help! The deeper the darkness, the more you seek God. When you are really in the shadows that threaten your very existence, seeking God turns desperate. Prayer assumes a greater importance. Importunity replaces the casual prayer routine. The ‘bless me and mine’ stuff will not do! The situation is desperate and your call to God also has to be desperate!

King David was in such a state when he penned this psalm. Hear him say, “On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul”. It was not a mere prayer or ordinary cry. There was no more strength left in him to face his situation. Life was impossible. He could not exist or continue in that circumstance. He knew that strength, help and deliverance had to come from the Lord God Almighty and no other sources which he called, ‘gods!’

Have your ever come to such a situation? Are you in a situation like that presently? I find myself in such predicaments now and again. I feel the need for God and His help acutely. It makes me turn to Him with all my heart, soul, mind, body and strength! Have you ever thought how you and I could ever turn to God and love Him with our whole being, as He requires in the very first commandment? To some it is a puzzle; an impossibility! It will never be in valley of shadow of death!

It is adversity that draws you near to God. The greater its heat and pressure, the nearer you draw to the Lord. Suddenly, you who could make no time for God in prayer or Bible reading, find hours to cry to Him! Whereas you couldn’t delay or skip one meal in order to prepare yourself to meet God, now you are ready to fast and pray! That is what distresses and disappointments are meant to do! Dear saint, learn from King David. Be like him. Delight yourself in the Lord. He will not only hear you and answer you but He will give you the desires of your heart which you haven’t even uttered aloud!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I need You. I cry to You. I thank You for You will hear my cry and answer me, just as You heard David. Amen.

How To Complain


You and I may wonder what was wrong with the Israelites complaining about their troubles? After all, they were in trouble. Weren’t they complaining to the Lord? Why then did the Lord become very angry and burn some of them to death? Can’t we make legitimate complaints to the Lord, especially when we are in trouble? I was rather puzzled about it, until I read this passage from some other Bible Versions. Here is one: “The people were as murmurers, speaking evil in the ears of Jehovah”(ASV).

It is good for us to learn from this passage “how to complain or not to complain to the Lord when we are in trouble!” Troubles, we will have in this life. Remember, Jesus told us so. It is our common experience. Hence, we need to know how to make our complaints to the Lord wisely. If we like the Israelites do it foolishly, it will bring destruction on us rather than deliverance!

What was wrong with the complaint of these people? Listen to their boast about the food they ate as slaves in Egypt, in the hearing of the LORD! “If only we had meat to eat! Remember all the free fish we ate in Egypt and the cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, and garlic we had? But now we've lost our appetite! Everywhere we look there's nothing but manna!" (vs 4-6). Worse still, did you hear what they said about the manna God gave? The manna was from heaven, the food of the angels which the Lord sent each day to their camp! Is it any wonder that the Lord was burning with anger and destroyed many?

How then are you to complain to the Lord about your troubles so that He will consider your trouble and deliver you? In the same passage, you find their godly leader Moses too taking his complaint to the Lord because of the people. The murmuring crowd was about to kill him for bringing them into the desert from Egypt. Listen to him carefully. “LORD, why have you brought me this trouble? How have I displeased you that you put the burden of all these people on me? Am I their mother? Did I give birth to them? Are you really asking me to carry them in my arms - as a nurse carries a baby - all the way to the land you promised their ancestors with an oath? Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep crying for me to give them meat to eat. I can't take care of all these people by myself. This is too much work for me! If this is how you're going to treat me, why don't you just kill me? I can't face this trouble anymore” (vs 11-15).

Dear believer, do you notice the difference between Moses and the grumblers? Moses told the Lord the truth! As they say, “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!” There was no false accusation of the Lord. His complaint was long and grievous. But there was no lie or even exaggeration like that of the people. The Lord understands your plight and pain. He will tolerate your cry of distress and disappointment. Tell Him as it is. Don’t accuse Him of injustice or fault!

The apostle Paul has taught us clearly how to make our complaints or petitions to God. He wrote, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Phil 4.6). Learn to do it!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I am in trouble. You know all about it. But for my own comfort let me tell it to You. Listen to me in mercy and compassion and deliver me. Amen.