Look Up To The Sky!
LOOK UP AT THE SKY WHO CREATED THE STARS YOU SEE? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great--- not one of them is ever missing! Isaiah 40.29.
Many a time what I write in my devotionals are my soliloquies (solitary communion) with my God! This is particularly so when the Bible passage I am dealing with is complex and its meaning unfathomable! At other times, it is about some puzzling situation in life for which I am searching for answers from God for myself. When you feel a oneness with me as you read, it is because you are human like me and we are all in the same boat that is threatened by the storms of life. We are looking for an anchor!
How glad we should be that there is an Anchor for us in our great and awesome God, the creator and sustainer of all things! His mighty power is revealed in the Bible so clearly in many places. He manifested this in His many deeds throughout the history of peoples.
Yet, it is a great puzzle to us today as we face ‘impossible situations’ and God’s help does not arrive as we cry out! That is the enigma (mystery) of our present life of faith. Until our faith is turned to sight in eternity and our doubts vanish, we have to cling on to our Almighty God and His Word. In times of severe testing of faith, you need to reassure yourself over and over again by the unchanging Word that you are not alone. That the Lord God Almighty is with you. He is able to deliver you or take you through! You shouldn’t base your faith on your experiences. The foundation of your faith must be established on the eternal Word of God that abides forever!
In the Old Testament God told His people, Israel, “There is no one like your God, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut 33.26,27). In the New Testament our God is described as “the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (Jas 1.17).
When you are buffeted by the storms of life and your faith in God is wavering and you are full of doubt, read the majestic description of our incomparably great God, in chapter 40 of Isaiah's prophecy. The words of the prophecy is most eloquent and beautifully poetic, yet extremely truthful. The Lord God knows your problems and pain and he hears your complaints and cry. Here is what He says to you, “Why do you complain that the LORD doesn't know your troubles or care if you suffer injustice? Don't you know? Haven't you heard? The LORD is the everlasting God; he created all the world. He never grows tired or weary. No one understands his thoughts” (vs 27-28).
Dear believer, the next time or maybe even now as you are sorely perplexed and puzzled over your trials and you are wavering in your faith, why not get out somewhere in the open at night and “look up to the sky! Ask yourself, ‘Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great--- not one of them is ever missing!" Do not come away until you are convinced that 'Your God is great and He knows you and He is able to lead you', and begin to praise Him!
Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, my problems overwhelm me! But let Your power and love amaze me and cause me to cry out, “Lord, I believe You can help me. Increase my faith. Help my unbelief!” Amen.