Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So That All Might Believe


Six members of our family, including me, are members of the Gideon’s Association International. Gideons are solely committed to the free distribution of the Bible and New Testament all over the world. We are in over 180 countries and since our inception about 100 years ago, we have had the privilege to distribute 1.5 billion copies of the Bible and Scripture portions. Last year alone, 70 million copies were given out, mostly to hotels, hospitals and institutions of learning all over the world.

Today’s verse has special meaning to us Gideons who devote much money and time to spread ‘the light of the gospel through Jesus Christ in the world’. “Jesus came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe”. The Word of God affirms that each one of us, like John the Baptist, have come into this world for a witness, that others through us might believe in Jesus Christ. John found his niche. We, Gideons, have found ours.

I minister relentlessly among churches and my passion and burden is to see that all ‘Sunday Christians’, ‘Name-sake believers’, ‘Nominal Christians’ begin to live as ‘Everyday Christians’ in this dark world, bringing the light of Jesus Christ to every place we are and to every one we meet.

Dear child of God, privileged to live your time in this world, have you found your divine call from God? Whatever might be your vocation or work or state of life, don’t forget that you too have a destiny and a call like John the Baptist. It is to bear witness by your life and your words to the Lord Jesus Christ and to shine His light in your little corner of the world.

As you continue to read and meditate on these daily devotionals, may the Lord teach you to follow Him closely and become like Him and ‘fishers of men’ who touch the lives of others. You may forward these devotionals to as many Christian friends as you can, so that they too will come into their destiny in Christ. Then, we all together can make a difference in our world for Jesus Christ.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, like John the Baptist and like every other Christian, I too have come into this world for a witness. Help me to bear witness to ‘the Light’ so that others through me might believe in You. Amen.

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