Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We Have Different Gifts


A friend of mine, a Christian worker from Kerala, S. India, was on a visit to Malaysia. On a bus on the way to a Mall he noticed that he had lost all his belongings including his wallet and passport. He got a taxi to go to the police station. The driver knowing his plight was very kind. The taxi man refused payment and wished him god-speed. At the police station he met a constable and told his story. The officer told him, “I too am a Christian (most officers are Muslims in this country) and my name is Michael. I will give you all the help you need”.

One day, I was trying to get a friend on the phone at his office. A man’s voice greeted me but it wasn’t my friend. So I told him that I was looking for my friend. The man was very kind and polite. He told me that he would help me locate him and he did do his best.

A colleague of mine was away from surgery for a few days. A patient of his came to see him. She had some swelling and pain after a surgery. Because he was absent, I offered to see her. I took care of her and did my best to alleviate her suffering and pain. A very old friend of ours was admitted to the hospital in an acute condition. In spite of our busy life, we made several visits to him. We helped the family to get the best medical attention and treatment.

The reason I am writing about these incidents is to show how easily we can use our different gifts for the benefit and blessing of others and bring glory to God. God has graciously given to each one of us, Christians and non-Christians for that matter, varying and differing gifts - natural and supernatural. We all are to use our gifts for the common good of all. It must be the most natural thing for us Christians to do it as we go through our day.

Dear believer, do you have difficulty in finding out how to live your daily life as a practising Christian? Many have! For the past few years I have been devoting all my time teaching, preaching and writing to help believers to find their God-ordained 'place in life – at home, in the church and work place!' I counsel honestly puzzled Christians on 'how to combine the secular with the spiritual' and 'how to walk daily with God while moving with the people in the world'.

The apostle Paul taught us how to do it a long time ago. He said “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us, let us use it”. Churches introduce 'Christian programmes' to members while the Word of God introduces them to 'Christian lifestyle'. Programmes end. But lifestyle will continue to the end! Lifestyles are more caught than taught!

Our selfishness makes us preoccupied with ourselves. We have no time to mind about others and their needs. Paul’s caustic criticism about the believers is: “everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ”. But he found young Timothy different, “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare” (Phil 2.20,21). You can be like Timothy! Paul instructs, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Phil 2.5). You are not called to be a 'superstar' converting all, only an ordinary Christian walking with God!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, forgive me for my selfishness and insensitivity towards others, especially to those I come across daily. Give me an attitude like Yours – concerned and caring towards those in need. Amen.

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