Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Learn To Be Disciplined


'DISCIPLINE AND DISCIPLINING’ are the most unpopular words in today's vocabulary. They are the least practised virtues! Indiscipline is everywhere, from families to schools to offices and even in the society! Everything starts with the young and disciplining them is of paramount importance. But, the matter of parents disciplining their children and punishing them when necessary has become a serious and controversial issue today. Even the people of God to whom this should never have been an issue or problem are more puzzled than the people of this world.

The simple reason for this is that from the beginning until the 21st century, we learned from our forefathers and through revelation (from the Creator). But now we learn from the modern theories and assumptions of secular men who do not know the Creator! God does not come up with newer principles and practices for every new generation! His Word is once and for all established in the heavens and let the people of the earth take note!

Read the Bible and you won’t miss the truth that God is a God of discipline. Today’s Bible passage tells us clearly that God disciplines us and explains why He does so and for what purpose! You and I need to know it well so that we will not object or reject God’s discipline in our lives, though painful. We who are so used to objecting discipline, whether from parents or authorities, are inclined to do so with God also.

Disciplining is God’s way of training and correcting you. God will not stop disciplining you because you complain. It ‘puts the fear of God’ in your heart and helps you to do right and stops you from doing wrong! Disciplining is also God’s prescribed way for you to train your children. God will not change His instruction because your popular psychologist says that it is traumatic to your child’s psyche! If you think that your child will become afraid and inhibited because you say ‘NO’ or because you use the rod as God demands, remember, that is exactly what God wants to achieve! They must have the fear of God and of the rod, so that they will be ‘inhibited from doing wrong!’

God commended our fathers for disciplining us. Don’t you think that God will condemn us if we do not discipline our children and train them the way they should go when they are old? (Prov 22.6). Friend, the Bible says, “All children are disciplined by their fathers. If you don’t discipline your children, you are not treating them as part of the family (but as illegitimate children or bastards – other versions!" (vs 7,8). Are you guilty of not disciplining your child? Children and adults too do not enjoy being disciplined. It always seems to cause more pain than joy. But later on, those who learn from that discipline have peace that comes from doing what is right.

As parents who did our best to train up our four children in the way they should walk, we rejoice today, seeing them stick to it by the grace of God. It makes us extremely sad to watch young parents bringing up their children today without control or any discipline whatsoever! They let them be unruly, destroy things, scream, hurt each other and even strike back! God save our children!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, discipline me when I go wrong and teach me to do right. Help me to do the same with my children. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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