Monday, February 12, 2007

I Rejoice In Obeying You


A couple invited us along with many of their friends for their ‘house-warming’. They had just completed renovations to their old house. God had blessed them with the finances and they rejoiced in being able to turn their home into a beautiful place to stay. We had a thanksgiving service and dinner party.

A friend of ours bought an expensive new car. He took us for a drive and showed the many modern gadgets it had. He rejoiced in the blessing of the new car that God had given him. We shared in his joy.

A young couple had a grand wedding in our church. We missed the happy occasion because we were overseas. Later, the ‘thrilled’ parents of the bridegroom showed us the wedding photos to share with us their rejoicing which we had lost out! It was fabulous, to say the least. We were so glad for them, our long-time friends!

We had the privilege to be invited to witness the baptism of a young Christian. It was a simple event. The young man had come back to the Lord after a period of straying away, which was sad. But this time, he decided to obey the Lord in the waters of baptism. We rejoiced with him and his wife.

A Christian couple who were courting were living together. They thought that it was all right to do so because everyone was doing so! But when they were told that it was against the clear teaching of the Word of God and therefore sinful, they decided to get married. Not only the two but everyone who knew them and loved them were happy for they obeyed the commandment of the Lord.

The joy over the material blessings compared to the rejoicing in fully following the commandment of the Lord is indescribable! The rejoicing in the heart and the expressions of the couples who obeyed the commandments of the Lord were something that all the riches of this world could not buy or give! It was simply ‘celestial and divine’, beyond description. It surpassed all the joy that this world could give! We remembered what the Bible says, “I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches”. Surely, it would have triggered much rejoicing even in heaven among the angels in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, may Your Holy Spirit ever prompt me and persuade me to obey Your commandments. Let there be no greater joy in me than obeying and following Your Words. Amen.

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