Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Watch Your Tongue


The other day, I received a rather rude business e-mail letter. There are some people who can not only speak but also write piercing words. I do not know if they are born with that gift or whether they acquired it. Their uncanny ability to say things that hurt the hearer in any context or situation is exceptional. Their words are not like swords which you need to swing at arms-length. They are really like arrows which can shoot you down from a far distance! I sometimes wonder whether the offenders really know that their words are hurting people, even the innocent ones.

There are brothers and sisters who say ‘piercing things’ about each other. Mothers-in-law are famous for hurling hurting words and even abuses at their daughters-in-law. Some daughters-in-law are great matches and by no means innocent. At school and in business circles, it is not unusual for people to cast accusing and even slandering words at each other. Unfortunately, or fortunately, some are tongue-tied naturally and cannot retaliate. They cannot even open their mouths, even to say a good word! I used to be like that! The other day, I walked into a restroom in a hotel after a wedding party. As I opened the door I heard two friends saying something about me. The one who was talking, reacted quickly and said, “We were talking behind your back!” Obviously they weren’t saying anything bad! Watch out for what you say. The walls have ears!

Coming back to the business e-mail that offended me, I wrote a reply giving a piece of my mind but, as usual, I didn’t send it for a few days. After ‘re-wording it many times’ to take the sting out of it, I showed it to my wife and daughter! They too did a good job of editing all the rough edges! Only then did I send it, telling God how pleased I was with myself for my moderation! To my amazement, instead of it pacifying the opponent, it made him angrier and he responded badly.

I looked at my e-mail again trying to figure out whether there was anything still offensive or hurting. With the advantage of ‘hind-sight’ now, I found something which I could have omitted to avoid an adverse reaction. Probably, he wouldn’t have reacted at all, had I not pierced him! I became wiser and the next time, ignoring his slight, I gave him a little praise. It brought about peace between us and to all others involved. I know it brought health to my family and me, and I suppose to my opponent and his family too!

Dear believer, use the tongue God has given you wisely, not to pierce the hearers but to impart truth and wisdom that will guide them.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, forgive me if I have hurt anyone with my tongue. Teach me to watch my every word. Let it impart truth and wisdom to the hearers. Amen.

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