Wednesday, July 4, 2007

In The Eyes of The Lord


We live in an age when wealth and fame have taken the world by storm. If you have one or the other or both, you command respect and admiration. Whatever you do is accepted by the people and even imitated the world over. The tragedy is that not only the good, but even the bad and the evil that they do, are condoned and even applauded! With globalisation and multimedia propaganda, these ‘celebrities’ and their odd behaviours, queer doings and even wicked acts are spread across the world faster than one can imagine. The poor, gullible public, especially the younger and impressionable generation, is misled by all this. They tend to imitate them and their wrong lifestyle of immorality, divorce, crime, drugs and violence!

It is a great pity that even we Christians are not able to withstand the onslaught of such evil. We have become so weak that we express no strong dissenting voice and do little to withstand the onslaught of wickedness. This is seen by the secular public as the Church condoning evil. We are unable to stop the spread of wickedness in the society and even among the Christians. Many have begun to tolerate, accept and imitate these ‘rich and famous people’ who indulge in all kinds of sinful deeds. Some governments try to regulate and control evil by banning or censoring the multimedia. But, the Church has taken the backstage.

However, this compromising attitude and stand of ours is an affront to our God who has called us to holiness and separation from the world. By our attitude we are accusing and condemning God saying, “All who do evil are good in the eyes of the LORD, and he is pleased with them" or "Where is the God of justice?"

To stand up against the ‘new age morality’ is to uphold the standards and statutes of the Scripture. It is to condemn the world and its falling morals. It is to honour God and uphold His justice. It is time for the Church of God with its leaders and faithful members to convince the world by our voice and conduct that God is just and there is due retribution for breaking His laws and regulations. He will hold every man and woman accountable for their every act. That day, God will vindicate His children who walk in His ways!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, help me to walk worthy of Your calling and please You by my life here on earth before others. Amen.

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