Wednesday, January 17, 2007

We Gladly Suffer


No one gladly suffers, not even Christians! The reason is that suffering brings pain, sorrow and loss. The natural reaction to suffering is irritation, complaint, grumbling - against their 'fate' or God / gods'. Many become bitter towards life and obstinate and rebellious towards others. They have no source of consolation. They see God as cruel, uncaring and unconcerned.

The apostle Paul here speaks from his own experience. Through all his 'sufferings, tribulation or afflictions', he learned how to 'endure the suffering or persevere in the midst of it or just be patient through it' (as translated in the different versions of the Bible). Because of these godly
qualities produced in his life by his numerous sufferings, he learned to suffer gladly and even rejoice in suffering.

Here in today's text, the apostle Paul includes us and speaks for us also, "we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope". We many not rejoice in our sufferings. However, it does produce in us slowly and steadily, every one of the traits Paul mentions above!

A believer sees his Father's hand in his sufferings. He has confidence in the wisdom and goodness of God. He concedes that it is necessary for his own good to be afflicted. He experiences its subduing, submitting and even the restraining power of suffering on his sinful passions.

Through your suffering patience and perseverance, Christian character and hope are sown in your life by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the means by which these are implanted in us. Often, afflictions are the means of promoting it, when they are sanctified. This had been the experience of the apostle Paul and numerous saints throughout history. It has been the experience of my wife and myself over the years! But truthfully, we haven't yet attained St. Paul's maturity to say that we rejoice in suffering and we do not know if we ever will! But it will be worth it!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, You have warned me, "In this world you will have trouble!" Help me to take heart in my sufferings, because You have overcome the world and its troubles for me and You can make me an overcomer (Jn 16.33). Amen.

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