Thursday, May 17, 2007

Show Your Gentleness


There was a time when I was a young upstart, having been the first graduate doctor from our town, community and church! I thought the world had to dance according to my tune. I was considered cool with my head on my shoulders. I could get along with even the most difficult person whom others could not relate to and get things done. I was appointed medical officer in charge of a prestigious government hospital, with scores of staff under me and many consultants as my colleagues.
But there was one problem. I happened to be intolerant towards those who sulked in their job. I used to lose my temper and raise my voice and even shout! More often than not, this happened during a telephone conversation. I thought that I had given them a piece of my mind and felt satisfied. I assumed that they would now do their job well.
Unfortunately, the reaction of the person on the receiving end was usually negative, if not defensive and occasionally belligerent. Over time, I noticed that all that I had achieved was to antogonise the people. Though they had failed in their work, yet they were the ones who had to do it anyway. Now that I had made them my enemies, they were deliberately working against me. My yelling and shouting had been counterproductive!

Then I came across the apostle Paul’s instruction, “Let your gentleness be evident to all”. Other translations put it as, “Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men” or “Let your moderation be known unto all men”. I thought to myself, if only I had followed what the Bible taught 2000 years ago, I could have saved my breath and temper. I wouldn’t have made a fool of myself before others and antogonised people but received their ready cooperation!

Dear believer, through the wisdom of the age and by the bad experiences I’ve had, I would join the apostle Paul and pass on to you, my children, friends and fellow-Christians, “Don’t shout at the people whose help and cooperation you need to get things done! Be gentle, forgiving and forbearing. Let your moderation be known even when you have to reprimand people for wrong doing! Only by being tactful can you get people to cooperate with you!” A long time ago, I learned from my secretary that 'people are often nasty to those who are near and even dear to them!' Check if this is so with you!

You will be surprised that you can achieve the impossible, even in high places, if only you will humble yourself a little, be gentle and patient! There is another good reason to be gentle and moderate to all and in everything - “The Lord is near!” He is at hand! He too can hear you and not just the person to whom you are being nasty!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, You were gentle and meek even to us Your humble creatures (Mt11.33). Help me to be like You in my walk and talk before others. Amen.

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