Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Don't Walk As They Walk


There are people all around us whose lives have no meaning or hope. They're caught in the web of sin, living "in the futility of their mind" (Eph 4:17). Our role, as followers of the Lord Jesus, is to demonstrate that the life of faith does make sense. In the midst of a world of aimlessness and despair, we are called by the Lord and taught to live with purpose and hope. We must!

It's frustrating to talk to some people about God, Jesus, and salvation. They shrug you off by saying, "I am O.K. I lead a good life and do no one any harm. I even do some good! I do not need to believe in God! You have your belief and I have mine."

How do we respond to such people? Yes! Admittedly what they say is true. So you begin to wonder whether they need to change their life or religion! But when you think of the change believing in God and Jesus Christ brought about in your own life, you begin to think again! It has transformed you from a sinner to a saint. It has given your life meaning now and for eternity. You live in constant fellowship with the Lord. He always guides you and leads you in every situation, easy or tough. You need to tell them and show them that your belief in Christ makes sense.

When you show people the difference Jesus has made in your life, they will see that their life too can have meaning and purpose. In the book Papillon, the main character dreams that he is on trial. The judge says he is being charged with the most terrible crime that a person can possibly commit. When Papillon asks what it is, he is told, "The tragedy of a wasted life." "Guilty!" says Papillon, weeping. "Guilty."

Dear believer, have you found meaning in life and are you living each day with a purpose. Even in your secular or mundane job, you can find purpose and live with a sense of accomplishment. You will find recognition in the eyes of the Lord, even if no one around you notices and acknowledges!

Everyone has the right to live a fulfilled life here on earth and Jesus only can provide it. It is your God-given obligation and privilege to provide him or her with that opportunity by your life and words. A Christ-like life can be the world's Bible.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, let me not live like the people around me who do not know you. Let my life and good works so shine before men that they may want to follow me, as I follow you. Amen.

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