Monday, September 10, 2007

Giving To God


Most people have a problem with paying their taxes. They feel that they are being swindled by the government out of their hard-earned income! ‘I have worked for every penny. Why should I pay anything to the government. It has done nothing for me. It has no right to take anything from me’. That’s what most of us think and say!

Jesus laid out for you and me an abiding principle about taxes in today’s lesson. We must get it fixed in our minds so that we will not be guilty of tax evasion. Jesus plainly said, “Give the emperor Caesar (the government) what belongs to him, and give God what belongs to Him.” He didn’t give any reason except to show the people the inscription on the coin they brought to Him. There was Caesar’s head.

Caesar represented the government and all that it was doing for the people and the country. To run the government and provide all the various services and amenities for the people, much money is needed. Only when the citizens pay their taxes will the government have the finances for these. No minister or politician will pay out of his pocket and spend it for the people. They need to pay their taxes but they can seek legitimate exemptions and rebates.

While there could be excessive taxation by an unscrupulous government, usually the taxation is based on the budget necessary for all the public utilities and services. You have the right to vote for a good government and see that we pay only just taxes. But taxes we must pay! That is due to the government. That is what Jesus meant when He said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's”.

While dealing with taxes to earthly governments, let us not forget the more important teaching of the Lord, “Give to God what is God's.” About giving a part of our substance to God, we have clear teachings in a number of portions of the Bible. Not giving a ‘tenth or tithe’ to God of whatever He gives us, He calls “robbing God!” ( Mal 3.8-10). The apostle Paul taught the Corinthian believers to keep apart a portion of their income for the week. They were to give it as an offering on the Lord’s Day. If you do that regularly, you will not be burdened large sums to pay out or end up not paying your tithes! Strangely, we often count our taxes and even our tithes as losses from our pockets! They are not only a gift of gratitude for what you received from God but it is also adding treasures in heaven!

When Jesus taught, “Give to God what is God's”, He didn’t mention money! Money is but a small part of what God demands from you. He demands your 'all!' You belong to Him - your body, soul and spirit. Your 'all' is really your time, talent and treasure. God doesn’t want your treasure or a tenth of your money if you are not willing to give yourself to Him first! Many Christians spend all their time for their work or business and neglect God and even their family. Some spend all their time on themselves or on their family at the expense of God! Both are wrong. A young Christian businessman told me that he has not been to church for three years for he has to work on weekends!

Dear believer, don't forget this basic principle which Jesus taught you and it will be well with you! “Give Caesar what belongs to the Caesar, and give God what belongs to God.” You should be finding ways and means to obey God and not find excuses not to do so. Remember that wise saying, “Don’t rob Peter to pay Paul?” Give each one his due: God, the government, family, self, work or business, boss and others!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, thank You for teaching me to pay my taxes and give my tithes to God – in time and substance. Amen.

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