Monday, December 11, 2006

Who Have Eternal Life?


It is said that the only thing constant in this changing world is ‘change’! The greatest change that you and I will experience in life is ‘death!’ It transports you from this life to the next. But how terrified people are about death!

The Bible teaches that it is merely a “cross over from life to death and to life – eternal”. But only to those who hear, listen and obey the Words of Jesus and believe in God the Father who sent Him into this world to die for their sins. It is He who gives them eternal life.

I know of a sister in Christ who died of some rare immune disease for which there was no cure. She was only in her fifties. I spoke to her mother of 82! She told me in great confidence, “I know that my daughter is in heaven with the Lord. I too will soon go and meet up with her!” What a great confidence and assurance of crossing over from death into Life!

This confidence is something that is shared by all those who have believed in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I may be afraid to die. I may not want to die. But when death comes, I am confident that it will not be the end! I know where I am going and am sure of it! Are you sure of your destination after death? Many people want to go to heaven after death. But they are not sure of going there. They only hope! But you can be sure!

Dear believer, Jesus Christ died and rose again on the third day. He conquered death for you and me. If you have believed in Jesus and if you live according to His Word, He assures you eternal life. He assures you that physical death is only a walk over, a mere crossing from this life to the next.

So much so the apostle Paul said, “to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil 1.21). If you are a child of God, death is then ‘Home-coming’. I may be sad to leave behind all my loved ones. But I am glad I am going to meet my Father God and my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ whom I have never seen but believed all my life and I eagerly long to see! It will be the same for you if you believe in the Father and in Jesus the Son whom He sent to give you eternal life after death.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I thank You for You have helped me listen to Your Word and believe in God the Father who sent You into this world as my Saviour and Lord. Thank You for the promise of eternal life. Amen.

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