Wednesday, August 1, 2007

On Things Above


Everyone has worked hard for a living right from the days of Adam and Eve. But today, even they would turn in their graves if they ever could perceive how hectic our lives are! Just to eke out a living, some are slogging most of the day and well into the night. With both parents having to work, children hardly get time to spend with them. A bank executive told me while having our Sunday lunch, "The expectation by the bosses for the employees to perform is so great that they many are cracking up!" Even the Christians are not exempt! How difficult, if not impossible it is for us to keep thinking about things in heaven because our minds are too preoccupied with the things of this world! But that is the Lord's command to us!

Much like the apostle Paul’s admonition today, Jesus too cautioned His disciples about worldliness instead of a heavenly outlook! He said, “Everyone is concerned about these things, and your heavenly Father certainly knows you need all of them. But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you. "So don't ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Mt 6.32-34).

Seeking first the Kingdom of God and fixing our minds on things above which are the only things that last makes sense when you realise the outcome is in God's hand. Hence He tells us, “It is useless to work so hard for a living, getting up early and going to bed late. For the LORD provides for those he loves, while they are asleep” (Psa 127.2). What this means is that it is not by our ability that we meet our needs. They are God’s gracious provision! Not so long ago, millions of chickens (more than 25 million) were culled because of the bird flu in the Asian countries. My wife and I were greatly upset to see the poor farmers having to destroy their poultry and lose their precious livelihood! How forcefully we are being reminded that heaven holds the key to our daily bread on earth!

I believe all the more that these are the very reasons why we are commanded in the Scriptures to “Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things”. It is an attitude of the heart and exercise of the mind that we need to cultivate deliberately and possess. It won’t come naturally or easily. Just a simple thing like praying three times a day like Daniel of old you find it hard to do when you try! I have tried setting the alarm on my watch to remind me. But when it goes off, I may be in the midst of an operation or consultation and I am not free to pray!

Dear believer, how then will you keep your mind on things above instead of worldly things like everyone else? The apostle Paul tells us the secret in another passage. Have a new mind or renewal of the mind or transformation of the mind, by the Holy Spirit. Only He can set our minds free from the cares and covetousness of the world and help us to fasten them on heaven! If you do not learn to do that, even little by little, but remain burdened with worldly things, you will never be ready for heaven when your call comes! I thank God for old age, for it slowly makes you loosen your grip on earth whether you like it or not. It prepares you for heaven! But, dear believer, your call could come anytime! You too must prepare, even now!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, help me not follow the world, always thinking about earthly things. Instead, help me change the way I think. Let me deliberately take time to think about You and heavenly things. Amen.

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