Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Worship of False Gods


Many of us have no time to think about our God. We do not spend a few moments each day with Him. We don’t devote some time daily to read His Word. We care little to talk about Him to others. It is true that most of us do make it to church on a Sunday to worship our God, but that is about all we have to show that we have a God!

If we are not so focused about the One whom we call God, that is because there are ‘other things’ in our lives too that ‘take the place of God’. These are ‘false gods’. We are exhorted to get as far away from the worship of such false gods. What are these false gods that come into our lives and take the place of God and make us worship them?

Money is a false god. You and I need to get far away from worshipping money. We should set right our priorities in life. Make money your servant. Don’t let it not be your master or god, making you slog for every penny! The greed and love for money in comparison to your affection for your God will show who you worship – GOD OR MAMMON! (Mt 6.24).

To some their ‘god’ is their belly! Do you know anyone like that? The apostle Paul did. He said, “Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things” (Phil 3.19). There are Christians who love food so much that they eat all the time and ‘sacrifice their lives at its altar!’ As a medical doctor, I am glad that this generation is different and most are body and figure conscious! Only few still make ‘food their god’.

But by becoming ‘physically’ conscious, many young and old folks too have made ‘figure and clothes their gods!’ There are children too young and grown-ups too old who are forever fiddling with their dress or appearance, as if the whole world is watching them. How can you think of YOUR GOD if you are so preoccupied in your mind with WHAT YOU WEAR AND HOW YOU LOOK?

Sex can become an obsession to many and immorality and perversions the way of life. The snares are many and more subtle with the advent of the mass media and the internet. We cannot avoid these everyday temptations. But whether your mind and your time are given over to these demoralising ways determines if they have become ‘your gods!’

Pray with me: Dear Lord, false gods are all around me and they are powerful. Many are worshipping them. Help me to get as far away as I can from the worship of any false gods. Amen.

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