Monday, October 29, 2007

Cleanse The Temple


Jesus went to the temple at Jerusalem. King Herod had built it as the original temple built by Solomon had been destroyed by the Babylonians. Every Sabbath Jesus was in that temple or some other synagogue to worship and teach from its precincts. He called the temple His Father’s house of prayer. He saw traders of sheep, oxen, birds and everything else needed for the temple worship and sacrifice. There were also moneychangers to help people with exchange. It was convenient for the people and profitable not only for the traders but also the priests!

On one of His visits to the temple, Jesus could no longer tolerate the shouts of the traders, the bargaining by the people, the bleating of the sheep, the bellowing of the cattle, all the litter and the clamour of the moneychangers! He decided, ‘enough was enough!’ Making a cord of flax and whipping it around, He chased everyone saying, “You have turned my Father’s house of prayer into a den of thieves!”

Do you know that the apostle Paul calls your body and mine, ‘the temple of the living God’ for His Holy Spirit lives in us? Have you ever thought of how much filth and dirt is stacked up there? How many unholy thoughts, sinful imaginations and all intentions of evil against God and our fellow beings fill us? Wouldn’t it look more like a ‘garbage can’ and smell like one to Jesus? We have become so used to it like the garbage collectors, but not Jesus! He has been patiently tolerating the stench everyday, thus far! But one day His patience will wear out!

If we won’t cleanse our body and soul through repentance and seeking forgiveness, He will come one day with His whip and do it by force. It will be painful and sad but it will be for our own good! But if you still refuse to stop sinning, then your end will be with all the wicked in the fire of Hell. Do not be deceived thinking that there is no hell or that God is too kind not to cast you there! Jesus made it so clear through the parable of Lazarus and the rich man that your eternal destiny could either be in heaven with God or in Hell with the devil (Lk 16.23,24).

But blessed are you and I if we look in the mirror of God’s Word and find out what garbage is in us and cast it away daily by repenting and by confessing. Our problem is that we do not consider our sin – SIN! We make excuses to continue sinning! Like King David, acknowledge your sin. Then God will forgive and cleanse you. The Holy Spirit will enable you to live a life that is pleasing to the LORD! It is a pity that even to those who pray daily, seeking forgiveness is not an essential part of prayer. In what we call the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us how important it is to seek the Father’s forgiveness daily! He knows we are prone to sin and need forgiveness.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, I thank You for Your patience with me and not ‘whipping me in anger’ for all that I do that displeases You. Lord, my sin is ever before me and I repent of it now. Please forgive me and give me a clean heart and life, by Your Spirit. Amen.

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