Friday, October 19, 2007

Why The Thief Comes?


Sometime ago, my wife and I spent some time with a family friend and his wife. We hadn't seen them for many months. They were in their eighties. The wife had a stroke and was bedridden. The husband was frail and losing his memory. As our friend greeted us, he said, ‘This morning we remembered you by name in our prayer!” It humbled us indeed to know that godly friends are praying for us! He and I sat reminiscing about the Lord’s goodness to both of us. When we parted, I prayed for him and his wife.

He was saved as a young man. He grew up with the Lord and in the fellowship of the church. Being fervent in serving the Lord, he took an early retirement at the age of 50. Then on, he served his church and the believers full-time until 80. It was only at the ripe old age of 84 that he retired fully from church work. Like the apostle Paul, they too finished their race and have gone to glory to be with the Lord whom they faithfully served so long!

He lived such a full and satisfying life only because he accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord of his life when he was yet a self-willed young man living in a big city. His life was changed. His directions and interests changed. He began to obey God rather than pleasing himself and living in sin with his buddies! He walked the straight path and God prospered him and used him for the blessing of many. How true were the words of the Lord in his life, “I have come in order that you might have life---life in all its fullness.”

But it was with great regret and sorrow that we talked about his only son that day. Born in this good Christian family, to devoted parents, he followed them to church. He was brought up in the fellowship of the church and through the Sunday School and Youth ministry. Instead of giving his life fully to Christ like his father, He let ‘the thief and robber, the devil’ take control of his life. The young man let the devil destroy his life! He didn’t study well, messed up his life with his worldly friends, and picked up habits that destroy one’s career and prospects for life.

Friend, remember Jesus' warning, “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life---life in all its fullness”. Give your life fully to the Lord. Many Christians are prepared to give Jesus only part of their lives. No! Give your all to Jesus. Let Him make you live your life to its fullest! Don’t let the devil rob your life and destroy it for now and eternity!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, You came in order that I might have life---life in all its fullness. You died on the cross and gave me a new life. I give my life fully to You NOW! Amen.

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