Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reading & Obeying The Word

CHRIST NEVER VERBALLY ABUSED THOSE WHO VERBALLY ABUSED HIM. When he suffered, he didn't make any threats but left everything to the one who judges fairly. 1 Peter 2.23.

Watch just one current TV movie and you will know how differently people behave today than the Lord Jesus Christ. People abuse those who abuse them. They shout at those who shout at them. They threaten those who threaten them. They cheat if others cheat them. They snub those who snub them. They hate those who hate them. They strike those who strike them. They withhold courtesy from those who are not courteous to them. There is nothing that they don’t do to retaliate! ‘The disease’ is spreading, especially among our young, impressionable generation and the vulnerable in the society. The devastating effect of the senseless and scrupulous mass media has become global.

If only the people of this world indulged in these things, it would be bad enough! But when the people of God, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, you and I, are the perpetrators, what hope is there for the world?

The attitude and action of our Lord Jesus Christ portrayed before us in our Bible text for today is clear for all to see. Dear believer, take a little time to quietly think of the reaction of our Lord in that most difficult situation he faced in life! Let it challenge you. Let it expose your attitudes, actions and reactions. If you act like the people of this world, may the Holy Spirit convict you of your wrongdoings. Let Him bring a strong desire in you to follow the lifestyle of your Master and be like Him in all situations.

This life-changing or character transforming experience comes only by ‘continually walking in tune with the Spirit of Christ, listening to his correction and counsel’. It is not the product of a moment’s desire but the fruit of a daily walk with Jesus by watching Him in the gospels.

Dear friend, have you ever thought ‘why you are commanded to read and meditate on God’s Word daily?’ It is because God wants you to note what is taught and practise what you learn. God wants you not to turn either to the right or left but walk in the way He shows you from His Word daily. Christians all over the world listen to sermons from God's Word every Sunday. They flock to attend all kinds of preaching, Bible Studies and seminars. But they are the same forever! Like the proverbial ‘water on the ducks back’, nothing seems to sink in and take root and change their inherent character flaws!

Remember, Jesus once told His disciples, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Mt 7.24-27). You can be that wise builder if only you make your decision today!

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, Your Word has warned me, ‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves’ (Ja 1.22). Help me to obey your Word and begin to act like You towards others. Amen.

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