Friday, November 30, 2007

Don't Rely On Own Wisdom


If you need wisdom, read the Book of Proverbs. Even if you do not read it daily, make it a point to read a few chapters now and then! It is bursting with wisdom – divine wisdom. Some say the wise King Solomon collected all the wise sayings of the world and made it into a book. The frequent mention of his son, suggests that Solomon wrote it mainly for his own son. However, as you read through it, you will come to the realisation that it is not merely man’s wisdom but Divine Wisdom! Look for instance at the proverb, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” (Pro 9.10). No worldly wise man would admit to such a divine statement!

Much of the sayings and teachings are about seeking, acquiring and applying the wisdom of God in one’s life. Solomon was desperate in pleading with his son to listen to him and to his mother, and to learn wisdom from them. Having learned invaluable lessons through real-life experiences, and many of them through mistakes, the anxious father pleads with his son not to repeat what he encountered. The saying that ‘history repeats itself but man never learns’ is very true. But it is utter foolishness for a man to repeat his own foolishness or that of his father!

Have you ever thought why you repeat foolishness, ours or that of others? Consider today’s Bible text – “NEVER RELY ON WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW”. Most translations have it as, “never lean on your own understanding”. It is natural that you make your decision based on what you know or what you have heard! But the truth is that the information or knowledge on which your decision is based may be flawed or totally wrong! We live in the ‘information age’ and we get all kinds of knowledge through the media, literature and especially the internet. However, only those who are wise know that the information we obtain may be right or wrong and act accordingly.

But when you read the Book of Proverbs from the Word of God, written by inspired writers, it is distilled and pure wisdom from the mind of God and from the oven of life. It can never be wrong. Hence, listen to Solomon when he says, ”My child, don't forget what I teach you. Always remember what I tell you to do. My teaching will give you a long and prosperous life… “Never rely on what you think you know” (vs 1,2). Instead, he counsels him to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart”.

Dear believer, in an age when there are all kinds of voices calling for your attention and compliance, you need to decide on the course of action you are going to take on any issue. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than everyone, even God's Word. Simply obey the LORD and refuse to do wrong. Relying on the instruction of God’s Word and the wisdom of divine maturity will be your salvation instead of sorrow and disappointment.

Pray and practise with me: Dear Lord, help me to trust in YOU with all my heart and never rely on what I think I know! Help me to daily read and meditate on Your Word so that I will obey it. Amen.

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